Chúa Vừa Giáng Thế Cũng Lưu Vong
Posted - 12/23/2007 : 16:02:44
Chúa Vừa Giáng Thế Cũng Lưu Vong Chóng quá ba hai năm biệt xứ Hai ngàn năm Chúa xuống nhân gian Gánh sầu Chúa gánh giùm ai đó Sao vẫn cao vời chẳng chút tan Gánh sầu Chúa cất cao vời vợi Con nhấc phần con cũng quá đau Biển cả thôi xanh màu ngọc bích Vì muôn dòng lệ xóa tan màu Bao giờ nghe lại hồi chuông đổ Bên giáo đường xưa tận xứ mình Đôi bóng hẹn hò chung đón Chúa Chung đời chung cả gánh điêu linh Em buồn ta cũng sầu hơn thế Mỗi một Noel thắp lửa hồng Chợt biết ngày về xa tít lắm Chúa vừa xuống thế cũng lưu vong ...Nhược ThuTue Dec 18, 2007
Wednesday December 3, 2008 - 02:25am (EST) Permanent Link 0 Comments
Message of Blessing
Message ReceivedWednesday September 24, 2008 - 09:10 pm ICT
KiMbErLy has sent you a message
Offline IM
FSomewhere in Time, Here, There & Everywhere, Tell Me Why, Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds....Flowers speak of Our Creator. The ONE and only King of Kings....My heart sings, My heart breaks, My heart mends, My heart loves, My heart forgives, My heart is for the One I love. Share your life, don't cause strife, live life to the fullest, stand up and be counted, Be brave, Be Aware, The world is waiting for you to share., North Carolina US
Message of Blessing
Enjoy the Fall colors,the end of what was,The beauty transcends all others,Made by G*d above.Look up, look out, look all around,everywhere there is beauty to be found.What you see and focus upon,Shows what your heart is surrounded by,Don t look down to the ground,Look up and measure the sky,For what your eye can see, will fill your heart most splendidly.
Tuesday October 21, 2008 - 10:06am (EDT) Permanent Link 0 Comments
Cung Chuc Tan Xuan x hope ur having lovely days x
Sat, 2 Feb 2008 21:24:28 -0800 (PST)
"minhcuong duong"
Happy new year!
Hi all,
Nam cu dan di qua, nam moi sam toi, mot mua xuan nua lai den va chung ta deu them mot tuoi moi!
Nhap dip tet den xuan ve, minh xin cau chuc cho tat ca cac chien huu cung toan the gia quyen mot nam moi tran day niem vui va hanh phuc. Rieng cac chien huu gat hai duoc nhieu thanh cong hon nua tren con duong cong danh su nghiep. Mong rang chung ta se luon gan ket nhau mai mai trong tinh than bang huu.
Xin chao!
DMC- Duong Minh Cuong
Please see attach file!
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Thiep_Happy_new_year.rar (1.2MB)
Scan and Save to Computer
Message Received
Saturday January 19, 2008 - 04:26 pm ICT
SEXY_DANCER has sent you a message
SEXY_ DANCER, 35 / Fengland, UK
hi have a great weekend
Message Received
Thursday January 24, 2008 - 11:08 pm ICT
~Kalily~* My Life in Color... has sent you a message
~Kalily~* My Life in Color...
Offline IM
FCreative, Curious, Inquisitive, Spontaneous. I wonder about life, I am in awe of creation and The Creator. Community is something I'm looking for in my faith. I have yet to find it. I am a dreamer yet true to myself and others. Eclectic in my Music tastes., North Carolina US
For You
Have the most wonderful of days!
Message Received
Thursday January 31, 2008 - 06:20 am ICT
Deviless has sent you a message
Online Now
Shayna Coleman, 64 / FWaitakere, New Zealand
RE: I just got this message from a friend--is this happening to you?
-------------mary 57whalen wrote: > Wow never heard anything like this, did anything come of it? Mary.? > > -------------Deviless wrote: > > > -------------Hadenough wrote: > > > >> I received this don't know how true it is. But I did have a couple say it already happened to them. People of good Name. > >> Be careful all--just in case > >> > >> -------------Sans Souçi's CEREBRAL JUKEBOX wrote: > >> > >> > BEWARE------ YOUR PROFILE: This is a message I received this morning. Someone is cloning our profiles. This person copies our pictures & creates a profile similar to ours. Then sends scrap, spam or garbage to our contacts or friends in Hi5. Insulting them…or asking them personal information…Beware!!! Send this message to your friends, to prevent them from being offended in your name by other people. If you receive some junk mail from me, please inform me first, Ok? Send this to all your friends! > >> > > >
Message Received
Monday February 4, 2008 - 03:39 am ICT
SEXY_DANCER has sent you a message
SEXY_ DANCER, 35 / Fengland, UK
hope ur having a lovely sunday x
Top Page Blog Feeds Friends
Huynh Dang Binh, 31
Saigon_Vietnam is your Friend.
Thursday October 9, 2008 - 03:59am (EDT) Permanent Link 0 Comments
Thinking of You:)
Message Received
Saturday March 29, 2008 - 03:44 pm ICT
poko has sent you a message
ngapoko best, F
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Saturday March 29, 2008 - 04:14 pm ICT
nimer m has sent you a message
nimer m
Send IM
nimer mishal, 50 / Mu a e SHARJAH, UAE
RE: Hello Friends
Hello Friends
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Saturday March 29, 2008 - 01:26 am ICT
Dixit has sent you a message
Thinking of You.
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Friday March 28, 2008 - 08:54 pm ICT
bunkerlw has sent you a message
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Fireman Larry, 42 / MHenderson, Colorado US
Stop by and say "Hi"
I'm still batting zero on Blogs, I just haven't had my head in it lately... a lot of personal stuff in the life... jobs mainly, for the hell of it though, I put in a you tube, check it out... ///\\\CAUTION///\\\ ///\\\ Do Not Watch If Your In A Midlife Crisis ///\\\
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Thursday March 27, 2008 - 07:32 am ICT
cool big blueeyes has sent you a message
cool big blueeyes
Offline IM
great christian friends
i want to thank everyone for their prayers and keeping me in your hearts,still sick a whole ,but with god and friends like y"all,it makes my days better,i love everyone of you,very much,i have congested heart failure now but i keep on fighting,may not be on much,but know y"all are here for me love coolblueeyes
Message Received
Wednesday March 26, 2008 - 04:49 am ICT
~Kalily~* My Life in Color... has sent you a message
~Kalily~* My Life in Color...
Offline IM
FA single rose can be my garden and one friend can be my world.Before we become friends I want you to know that I will always talk about my faith, being a Messianic Believer. I will also talk about current events, share songs that are special to me or have a significant relation to my blog. I share from my heart, my beliefs, my love of family and love of country. I also share my love for Israel and will always stand. Sometimes I share what is going on in my life and sometimes I'd rather talk about what G*d says 'should' be going on in my life. Everything I share is never meant to force my beliefs on anyone. I like to get people to think outside the box sometimes. If they do, great and if they don't that's ok too. We can agree to disagree sometimes but with love and respect. I love meeting new people and I like to bless all my friends. :)), North Carolina US
My Friends...
Message Received
Tuesday March 25, 2008 - 10:21 am ICT
YASHWANT S. S has sent you a message
My Friend's Theme.
A MOTHERS GLORYThe greatest gift a woman can have is to experience what is to be a mother.The throbbing of a new life in thewomb bring mixed emotions ofexcitement,fear and anxiety.After a nine-month journey comesthe ecstasy of giving life to abeautiful bouncing baby.Alas,the pains are gone,And the glory ofbeing a mother begins...
Message Received
Tuesday March 25, 2008 - 10:18 am ICT
YASHWANT S. S has sent you a message
Love ?
Hi Dear,Love is the best thing that gives us the happiness in the whole world.<<<<>
Thursday October 9, 2008 - 03:53am (EDT) Permanent Link 0 Comments
The A-Z Friendship
Chào bạn đọc, Tình bạn là một trong sáu mối tương hệ xã hội ở đời làm sao một ai có thể sống mà thiếu vắng tình bạn; Nhân một bạn đọc chuyển tải chút thông điệp thú vị về tình bạn thì cũng xin chuyển tải lại chút slide show lâu lâu nghía lại tí xíu xem sao hén...: Theo đó mời bạn đọc cùng tham khảo slide show : The True Friend Cùng trong chủ đê này là chút thông tin gom nhặt từ mạng net lâu rùi với nội dung chủ đề ít nhiều liên quan xin được chuyển tải cùng bạn đọc tham khảo ... chủ đề : Tình bạn
Tình bạn không có nghĩa là bạn bè vì nếu là bè thì sớm muộn gì cũng trôi sông mà thôi.
Regard to all, Phuong C.H.
----- Forwarded by Phuong CaoHuy/TPGM-DQR on 04/11/2008
FW: friendship. a to z
Dear all, Have a nice day !
The A - Z of Friendship A Friend ... A ccepts you as you are. B elieves in you. C alls you just to say "hi." D oesn't give up on you. E nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts). F orgives your mistakes. G ives unconditionally. H elps you. I nvites you over. J ust likes being with you. K eeps you close at heart. L oves you for who you are. M akes a difference in your life. N ever judges you. O ffers support. P icks you up. Q uiets your fears. R aises your spirits. S ays nice things about you. T ells you the truth when you need to hear it. U nderstands you. V alues you. W alks beside you. X -plains things you don't understand. Y ells when you won't listen. Z aps you back to reality.
Show your friends how much you care... Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND. If it comes back to you, then you'll know you have a circle of friends. **************** ~ * ~
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Chuyển tiếp: Tình bạn từ A đến Z
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 2:23 PM
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"le ducthuan"
SmileThings You ll Never Hear a Redneck Say...lol1. I ll take Shakespeare for 1000, Alex 2. Duct tape won t fix that. 3. Come to think of it, I ll have a Heineken. 4. We don t keep firearms in this house. 5. You can t feed that to the dog. 6. I thought Graceland was tacky. 7. No kids in the back of the s not safe. 8. Professional wresslin s fake. 9. Honey, did you mail that donation to Greenpeace? 10. We re vegetarians. 11. Do you think my hair is too big? 12. I ll have grapefruit instead of biscuits and gravy. 13. Honey, these bonsai trees need watering. 14. I don t understand the appeal of NASCAR. 15. Give me the small bag of pork rinds. 16. Deer heads detract from the decor. 17. Spitting is such a nasty habit. 18. I just couldn t find a thing at Wal-Mart today. 19. Trim the fat off that steak. 20. Cappuccino tastes better than espresso. 21. The tires on that truck are too big. 22. I ll have the arugula and radicchio salad. 23. I ve got it all on a floppy disk. 24. Unsweetened tea tastes better. 25. Would you like your fish poached or broiled? 26. My fiance is registered at Tiffany s. 27. I ve got two cases of Zima for the Super Bowl. 28. She s too old to be wearing that bikini. 29. Daoes the salad bar have bean sprouts? 30. Hey, here s an episode of Hee Haw that we haven t seen. 31. I don t have a favorite college football team. 32. Be sure to bring my salad dressing on the side. 33. I believe you cooked those green beans too long. 34. Those shorts ought to be a little longer, Darla. 35. Elvis who? 36. Checkmate
Sat May 31 04:10am ICT
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