Monday, 6 July 2009

The Paradoxical Commandments

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Yesterday, 10:48 PM
High SchoolGroup: SVDUHOCerPosts: 108Thank(s): 13Joined: 19-September 08From: carried by the wind =.=Member No.: 31565
đọc sách này thấy hay nên post lên cho mọi người coi, ai đọc xong có ý kiến chi thì nói luôn nha. gọi là nêu ra opinion đóThe Paradoxical CommandmentsKent M.Keith Ph.DMười nghịch lý của cuộc sống1. Người đời thường vô lý; không “biết điều” và vị kỷ. Nhưng dù sao đi nữa, hãy yêu thương họ.People are illogical, unreasonable, and self- centered. Love them away.2. Nếu bạn làm điều tốt, có thể mọi người sẽ cho là bạn làm vì tư lợi. Dù sao đi nữa, hãy làm điều tốt.If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good away.3. Nếu thành công, bạn sẽ gặp những người bạn giả dối và những kẻ thù thật sự. Nhưng dù sao đi nữa, hãy thành công.If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.4. Việc tốt bạn làm hôm nay sẽ bị lãng quên. Nhưng dù sao đi nữa, hãy làm điều tốt.The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good away.5. Thẳng thắn, trung thực thường làm bạn bị tổn thương. Nhưng dù sao đi nữa, hãy sống thẳng thắn.Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway.6. Người có ý tưởng lớn lao có thể bị đánh gục bởi những kẻ suy tính thấp hèn. Nhưng dù sao đi nữa, hãy luôn nghĩ lớn.The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest man and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway.7. Người ta thường tỏ ra cảm thông với những người yếu thế nhưng lại đi theo kẻ mạnh. Nhưng dù sao đi nữa, hãy tranh đấu cho những người yếu thế.People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.8. Những thành quả mà bạn đã phải mất nhiều năm để tạo dựng có thể bị phá huỷ chỉ trong phút chốc. Nhưng dù sao đi nữa, hãy cứ tiếp tục xây dựng.What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build away.9. Bạn có thể sẽ bị phản bội khi giúp đỡ người khác. Nhưng dù sao đi nữa, hãy giúp đỡ mọi người.People really need help but may attack you if you do help them. Help people anyway.10. Bạn trao tặng cuộc sống tất cả những gì tốt đẹp nhất và nhận lại một cái tát phũ phàng. Nhưng dù sao đi nữa, hãy sống hết mình cho cuộc sống.Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.--------------------
yêu và nhớ Việt Nam thân yêu nhiều lắm.....

Tuesday December 30, 2008 - 08:55am (EST) Permanent Link 0 Comments
good morning my sweet friends have a lovely day


Message ReceivedWednesday November 26, 2008 - 05:59 pm ICT
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SEXY_ DANCER, 35 / Fengland, UK
good morning my sweet friends have a lovely day
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Tuesday December 30, 2008 - 08:47am (EST) Permanent Link 0 Comments
Pope greets Christmas with appeal for abused kids

Pope greets Christmas with appeal for abused kids
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By ARIEL DAVID, Associated Press Writer Ariel David, Associated Press Writer – Wed Dec 24, 9:31 pm ET
AP – Pope Benedict XVI blesses children as he celebrates the Christmas Midnight Mass in St. Peter's Basilica …
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VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Christmas Midnight Mass early Thursday by sending out an appeal for children who are abused, forced to live on the street or serve as soldiers.
In the splendor of St. Peter's Basilica, Benedict marked the birth of Jesus with a call to the faithful to help children who are denied the love of their parents and those who are exploited across the world.
"The Child of Bethlehem summons us once again to do everything in our power to put an end to the suffering of these children," he said.
Delivering his homily in Italian, Benedict recalled the plight of "street children who do not have the blessing of a family home, of those children who are brutally exploited as soldiers and made instruments of violence, instead of messengers of reconciliation and peace."
He also spoke of minors who are "victims of the industry of pornography and every other appalling form of abuse, and thus are traumatized in the depths of their soul."
The pope did not specifically mention the issue of lawsuits and other complaints brought in the United States and elsewhere by Catholics who allege they were sexually abused by priests when they were youngsters.
As he recalled the birth of Jesus in biblical Bethlehem, Benedict's thoughts turned to the Holy Land and the pontiff prayed for an end to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
"Let us think also of the place named Bethlehem, of the land in which Jesus lived, and which he loved so deeply," he said. "Let us pray that peace will be established there, that hatred and violence will cease. Let us pray for mutual understanding, that hearts will be opened, so that borders can be opened."
Benedict is expected to visit the Holy Land in May for what would be the first papal trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories since the late Pope John Paul II traveled there in a 2000 pilgrimage.
As Midnight Mass began on Thursday, the 81-year-old Benedict, dressed in white and gold-colored vestments, walked in a procession up the basilica's main aisle, smiling and stopping several times to shake outstretched hands and bless children.
A a choir intoned a Psalm, as the pope sprinkled incense on the central altar under Bernini's towering bronze baldachin before opening the service with the traditional wish for peace in Latin: "Pax vobis" ("Peace be with you"). The faithful responded: "Et cum spiritu tuo" ("And also with you").
As Benedict left the basilica through the main aisle, a person who had jumped the barriers got close to the pope but was quickly blocked on the ground by security.
The Vatican's spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said he did not know who the person was but added that the disturbance hadn't caused any problems.
"The Holy Father continued on his way calmly. I imagine it was someone who wanted to greet him or pay homage to him," Lombardi said by telephone. "I have no reason to believe he was armed."
Thousands of pilgrims, Romans and tourists packed the basilica for the midnight service. For those unable to enter there were giant screens set up in St. Peter's Square.
Earlier, as night fell on Christmas Eve, Benedict appeared briefly at his studio window to bless the crowd in chilly St. Peter's Square and light a single candle in a sign of peace.
The Vatican's Christmas festivities began with the unveiling of the larger-than-life Nativity scene next to the Vatican's largest-ever Christmas tree in St. Peter's Square. Children in red-and-white Santa hats sang Italian holiday hymns as the Vatican's Gendarmeria band played alongside.
On Thursday Benedict delivers his traditional Christmas Day "Urbi et Orbi" speech — Latin for "to the city and to the world" — from the balcony of St. Peter's, in which he often touches on current events and issues of concern to the Vatican.

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